Remove dust and dirt stuck on wallpaper

Posted on: September 1, 2020 2:13 pm

To remove dirt and dust stuck on wallpaper, the following steps can be taken:

1- Cover the floor or carpet with a plastic mat to avoid getting dirty with dust particles or to avoid spillage of used cleaning materials

2- Use a soft brush to clean and remove dust, dirt and cobwebs stuck on the wallpaper, and it is recommended to start with the top of the wall, and a soft cloth can be placed and wiped the wall with it from dust

3- Cleaning liquid can be added to a bucket of warm water, and then dip a clean sponge in the bucket and squeeze it well and wipe the wall with it, and you should avoid adding a lot of cleaning liquid to the water, the liquid can be added to the water with the equivalent of two tablespoons

4- Wipe the wallpaper with a cloth slightly moistened in water, and then dry it with a clean piece of cloth

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